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Why Join BC Guest Ranchers Association?

Full membership as a BC guest ranch offers valuable monetary and non-monetary benefits some of which are outlined below

Full membership as a BC guest ranch offers valuable monetary and non-monetary benefits some of which are outlined below

Internet Marketing – Each full member’s profile is included on the BCGRA website with direct links to their individual site. Affiliate members are entitled to logo and link. We maintain a strong web presence with innovative web marketing tools which equates to increased traffic to members’ sites.

BCGRA office – We have a dedicated Marketing Coordinator, responsible for the coordination of all marketing and administration functions.

Standards – Prospective guests take comfort in the knowledge that member ranches have met the high standards of quality required by the Association.

Annual General Meeting and Convention – Available to all memberships. A great opportunity to meet and network with guest ranch operators, tourism industry representatives and the businesses who contribute to their success.


Discounts and special offers available to members on the following services and products:

CapriCMW Insurance – liability and property insurance at preferred rates.

We can also connect you with services that are available to members at no cost:

FARSHA – Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association can work with you to design a Safety Program that is unique to your operation and will satisfy requirements of WCB and Insurance Companies.

go2 – Offers valuable information on recruiting, motivating and retaining employees in our industry. No one knows more about Human Resources in Tourism.

WTA – Wilderness Tourism Association ensures the viability of this industry by protecting the province’s resources through advocacy, education and involvement with government.

COTA – Council of Tourism Associations is the main policy maker for the tourism industry in British Columbia and through the BCGRA your voice is heard.

DBC – Destination British Columbia has maintained a long and healthy relationship with the BCGRA and supports us with both funding and knowledge.

Please contact us if you have any questions about becoming a member of the BCGRA.